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Upcoming Fair Districts Huddles

March 8
April 12
May 10
June 14

Every month at
6pm on the second Wednesday

Every second Wednesday of the month, Fair Districts hosts an online meeting to update and educate supporters on the current events.

To prevent unauthorized users from crashing these events, you must register each time.

Please sign up for Fair Districts emails to receive your monthly invitation email, which will contain a link to register for that month's huddle.

No other upcoming events are scheduled at this time

Past Event

Race & Redistricting: The Voting Rights Act & Ohio Mapmaking

April 21, 2021

Join Fair Districts Ohio, League of Women Voters of Ohio, Common Cause Ohio, APRI and the Ohio Council of Churches for a discussion of the federal Voting Rights Act and its impact on map-making in Ohio in 2021.

Past Event

Redistricting 2021 and Women Candidates

March 30, 2021

Join The Matriots PAC, Common Cause Ohio and the League of Women Voters of Ohio to learn about the process and find out how you can be an advocate.

Past Event


March 25, 2021

Join us to discuss redistricting in Ohio in 2021 and beyond!

​Past Event

Ohio Sunshine Week: Transparency Team Training

March 16, 2021

Join us during Sunshine Week for a training focused on Ohio’s Sunshine Law and how to do a public records request.

Past Event

LWVO Statehouse Day

March 3, 2021  

Learn about the next steps in implementing anti-gerrymandering reforms that were passed by voters in 2015 and 2018, as well as how you can help us bring fair maps to the people of Ohio.

Past Event

Train the Trainer for Community Mapmaking Facilitators

February 22, 2021 

For those who are interested in learning how to facilitate community conversations to create community maps using DistrictR redistricting software.

Past Event - Part 2


February 18, 2021

Final steps to get ready to be a part of our Fair Districts Speakers Bureau! We will go over the content of a typical presentation and answer all your questions.

Past Event - Part 1


February 9, 2021

Get prepped to join our Speakers Bureau so you can lead presentations and spread the word about the need for fair districts.

Past Event


January 19, 2021

Join us for Redistricting 101, the next in a series of webinars designed to answer your questions about Redistricting in Ohio and to train ourselves to become local experts and public speakers in the cause of Fair Districts in 2021.

Past Event


January 25, 2021

Join us for an opportunity to talk about community mapping and also a tutorial on DistrictR, public software developed by a research group at Tufts University. Suzanne Almedia of Common Cause will lead a discussion about the benefits of community mapping and then provide a demonstration of the software.

Past Event


December 2020

Mapmaking 2021 - this webinar took place in late 2020 to discuss the expectations of redistricting in 2021.

Re-recorded - 40 minute version




February 2021

A shorter version of our Redistricting 101 training. Get all the information you need in less than 40 minutes.

Follow along with the most current slides as of 4/30/21. Slides have updates and will be slightly different than the recording.

Stay tuned for a newer version of the recording in the coming weeks.  

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