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Maps to be passed by January 22!


The Ohio Redistricting Commission will meet on Thursday, January 20 at 2:00 PM in the Ohio House Finance Hearing Room (Room 313); Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus.

This email has lots of important information! We've included all of this and more in a Democracy Wire post on the Common Cause website, HERE. We'll update the post as we get more information.

Giving/Submitting Testimony

As of right now, we do not know whether public testimony will be allowed at the hearing. Once this is decided, it will be noted on the commission website, HERE.

The Commission is only allowing public testimony to be submitted in conjunction with a specific hearing date at which public testimony is allowed. Anything you send to commission members outside of those parameters will be considered “input” rather than testimony. In other words, since no hearings have been announced to date with public testimony on the agenda, nothing you have submitted so far will be counted as “testimony” although it has been noted as “input.”

If public testimony is not allowed at the 2pm 1/20/22 hearing, it is likely that another hearing will be scheduled Friday or Saturday where public testimony will be allowed. As soon as we have the relevant information, we’ll let you know about how to submit testimony.

NOTE: The Ohio Redistricting Commission has just added a public comment section where you can post a comment of up to 1000 characters. Post your comment HERE. (Note that attachments are not allowed, although maps can be submitted at this link.) You can read comments posted by others HERE.
You can subscribe to the Ohio Redistricting Commission mailing list to receive notifications, updates, and details on upcoming Commission meetings.

Whether or not public testimony is allowed, we encourage you to attend the meeting Thursday, wearing your Fair Districts shirts and buttons! A strong show of force will help focus the commissioners’ minds on drawing the fair maps required by the Ohio Constitution and show the press and the public that we are still paying attention!

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